When a VergeIO Cloud is created a root-level User account is automatically created and is granted full access (list / read / create / modify / delete) to the entire VergeIO Cloud. By default, this User is named 'admin'. However, the account can be named as desired during the installation process (It can be renamed after the installation as well). This special system User cannot be deleted.
Key points about the default admin user:
To Add a New User:
Navigate to System -> Users -> New from the Cloud dashboard.
NOTE: If Authorization Source has been configured to auto-create Users, do not create the User here.
Username: (required) This will be the user's login name, It must be unique within the Cloud (not including Tenant Clouds, which have their own user management systems).
User Type: required (dropdown)
Enabled: (optional) An indication as to whether or not the user is active within the VergeIO system. An enabled user (checked) can log into and utilize the software, while a disabled user (unchecked) cannot log into the system.
Password: (optional) The password for the user. Password conditions can be set via System > Settings > Password Complexity Requirement. (Example: defining the minimum number of characters; compulsory conditions such as 1 capital letter, 1 numeric character, etc. By default the complexity requirement for passwords simply sets a minimum of 8 characters.)
Confirm Password: (optional) A textbox to re-enter and validate the user’s password.
Require Password Change: (optional) A checkbox forcing the user to change their password at their next login (when checked).
Display Name: (optional) A field dictating how the user’s name will display in the system. The Display Name will show in the upper right of the user interface on the user’s application screen.
Email Address: (optional) A field used for sending reports and alerts to which the user is subscribed. (Subscriptions are covered in Training Unit 4)
Member of Groups: (optional) Select group(s) to which the add the User.
NOTE: hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple groups.
By default, a new User will have limited permissions (unless added to a Group with additional permissions). A new User that has not been given any additional permissions will have the following:
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