A Tenant in VergeIO is an entire Virtual Data Center(VDC) that has been allocated storage and compute resources. Every tenant is a dedicated instance of the complete VergeIO Stack, providing each tenant with a separate user management system with its own users and permissions. Those Tenant Users can access the VergeIO Dashboard, where each Tenant has a unique URL that takes them into their own system. Everything needed to manage and monitor the infrastructure is contained within each Tenant, including snapshots, alerting/management, hypervisor, Recipe Engine, internal networking, etc.
Nested Multi-Tenancy allows Virtual Data Centers(VDCs) within virtual data centers. When a VergeIO system is installed, a complete VDC is created that has all the storage, CPU, and RAM resources abstracted from the physical, available to it. VMs and Vnets can be created, workloads, user management, etc. That core VDC can also divide up any portion of its resources to Tenants and those Tenants can then divide up and portion out its own resources to further Tenants providing secure enclaves without dedicated hardware. Service Providers can provide infrastructure as a service to customers and business groups, while also allowing those groups to have customers / sub-groups of their own.
Any Tenant is able to create Tenants and allocate resources to those tenants, allowing for multiple layers.
Tenant Main Dashboard
Each Tenant will login into their own URL which will provide the Main Dashboard for their VergeIO Cloud that pertains to their own Virtual Data Center, with all the same menus and functionality that the VergeIO Host Service Provider has at its level (minus physical hardware sections). Hence, each Tenant has its own hypervisor, user management, snapshots, subscriptions, etc.
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