After importing a virtual machine from another hypervisor, sometimes the free space available inside the virtual machine does not match the free space reported to VergeOS. This is likely the result of the virtual disk being thick provisioned from the VM source and VergeOS is unaware of the blank (unused) portion of the disk in terms of size. To correct this, a TRIM/UNMAP operation needs to be run on the virtual disk from within the virtual machine.
To perform a manual TRIM operation in a Windows environment, perform the following steps:
Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter YourDriveLetter -ReTrim -Verbose
Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter E -ReTrim -Verbose
As the TRIM operation is progressing, administrators can watch the reported free space from the VergeIO dashboard begin to increase as the blank data on the volume is removed.
If this does not resolve the issue, then trim is not enabled. To fix this, do the following from a command prompt (and then rerun the trim commands).
To check if trim is not enabled run an FSUTIL command:
Fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify
If the value is 1 then trim is not enabled on this drive.
To set the trim option
Fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0
Newer Linux distros have trim enabled by default using a systemd service or a cron job. You can check if automated TRIM is enabled by doing the following.
Ensure the prerequisite steps from above are complete
Example: Ubuntu Server
sudo systemctl status fstrim.time
sudo systemctl status
If trim is enabled an operation will run on the next scheduled time based from the above commands.
If trim is not enabled a manual trim can be run from the terminal using fstrim -av
It is recommended you enable the automatic trim option to ensure data usage is reflected accurately between VergeIO and the guest OS.
To enable auto trim run sudo systemctl enable fstrim.time
from the terminal.
For more information on fstrim you can visit the man page here.
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