A user of type=VDI accesses only the VDI portion of the user interface. When a VDI user logs in, the VDI Dashboard appear displaying all of the VMS to which the user has access.
The following screenshot shows a sample VDI User Dashboard. In this example, the VDI User has access to 5 VMs.
To create a VDI User, create a new user and select VDI in the user type field.
A VDI User has console access to any VM to which they have at least List and Read permissions (either directly or indirectly via Group membership). The following instructions give the simplest way to give a user console access to multiple VMs at once; this automatically assigns the List/Read permissions.
A user of type=Normal has access to the complete user interface. When a normal user logs in, they are taken to the main Dashboard from which all system components can be accessed (user-permission dependent). A normal user accesses his VDI Dashboard by selecting My Virtual Machines from the left menu. A Normal User sees favorited VMs in their VDI Dashboard.
Normal Users can also add their own VM favorites, by clicking the star icon at the top of a VM's dashboard page.
If a VM is assigned an Owner User, the VM will automatically be deleted if the associated owner User is deleted. Assigning a user as the Owner User will also automatically assign proper permissions to give the user console access to the VM (List/Read permissions).
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